COncert schedule
Twice each month, on most second and fourth Fridays, we offer listening-room concerts at the Black Forest Community Center just north of Colorado Springs. On these evenings, our music community gathers for acoustic performances in the heart-warming ambiance of this intimate, great-sounding, log building. Each of our shows offers two, 5-song opening acts and a one-hour feature performer.
Check out our concert schedule below, and follow our Coming Soon page for many more details on each show as we gather them.
Admission to our Friday concerts is first-come-first-served at the door. We don’t sell tickets in advance, except for special events. Ticket prices are $15 general admission, $8 members and students with ID; free for ages 12 and younger (become a member).
2025 concert Schedule
2nd/4th Friday Concerts
Free, off-street parking is available in the church
lot across the street from the Center
Check back for more details on each show as we gather them.
(Our schedule is always subject to change.)
Summer Pre-Show Music Jams Weather permitting, we hold jams before our shows in the summer months of June through August.
Current Status Check back here for the latest status on our events and subscribe to our email reminders to get alerts on all our activities.
Opening Acts The purpose of our openers is a little different from that at most concerts. Just about anyone can open on our stage. More information