The spring semester of the 2025 Black Rose Music School is now officially underway. We are offering 9 different classes in:
Mountain Dulcimer
Voice (2 different classes)
Bluegrass Banjo
Contra Dancing - this is new for us
and Ear Training
See the DESCRIPTIONS page for details on the classes.
Registration will close on March 28th, so register soon before your class fills up. See details below.
We are once again proud to be partnered with Meeker Music, a longtime local Colorado Springs music store that will be managing our classes and providing classroom space.
General information:
Semester Duration: Spring 2025 classes meet the week starting Monday March 31st and in general last through the week ending Saturday May 10th, for a total of 6 hour-long sessions (the “Beginning Contra Dancing” has only 4 hour-and-a-half sessions, and “Ear Training for Music Jams” has 5 hour-and-15-min. sessions). Some dates have instructor or location conflicts, so some classes extend past May 10th. Click on the SCHEDULE and DESCRIPTIONS tabs above for all the details.
$99 for Black Rose members
$109 for non-members
$50 for member children under the age of 18 (children under 13 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian who need not register for the class)
$ave big by becoming a member before you register!
Click on the DESCRIPTIONS or REGISTRATION tabs above to reserve your seat in any class.
Instructors: We are very selective about whom we hire to give you the highest quality of instruction possible. Click on the INSTRUCTORS tab above read about each of our instructors.
Class Size: In general, class size will be from 3-10 students, depending on the instructor and room size. The Meeker first-floor main classroom is limited to 10 students. The upstairs Meeker room can handle many more, but we are limiting the size to 14 students (with the exception of “Beginning Contra Dancing”) so as not to dilute the quality of the instruction. If fewer than 3 students register for a class and it’s cancelled, you will be notified and receive a full refund.
Waiting List: Our classes are very popular, and they oftentimes fill up. We limit size to give you the most value for your money. If a class you want is sold out, you can get on our waiting list at We’ll contact you if space opens up, or if there is enough interest to teach a second class at a different time, which often happens.
Need more Information? Have questions or ideas on classes you would like to see? Email us at:
For special classes, workshops, camps, or other music-related events outside of the Black Rose Music School click here:
Music Workshops and Camps