About Our Opening Acts

Opening acts at most concerts are intended as entertainment to complement the feature act. The purpose of openers at our shows is a little different.

Our mission to promote acoustic music includes helping developing performers with their stagecraft. Toward that goal, we offer two 5-song performance slots before the feature act at each of our shows. This stage time is available with few restrictions to anyone who wants to become more comfortable performing for an audience.

As a result, you'll see all levels of players on our opening stage, from rote beginners to seasoned touring musicians. It's the energy and support that you bring to them at our shows that helps them to develop as musicians.

If you’re an acoustic musician, and you’d like to experience the energy and support of our wonderful audiences, sign up here for an opener slot.

We want to thank you all for for graciously supporting the beginners, and for your enthusiastic appreciation of the pros. It's all in service of the music, so it's all good!